More than software.
The platform for all your needs

…and a lot more

The all-in-one platform

Cofrai will find the most relevant subsidies and grants for your business and manage them for you, giving you unique opportunities to save money and invest on your growth
Cofrai can advise you financially and offer you solutions to finance your working capital and important investment projects
Cofrai will handle your equipment purchases, getting you better conditions and saving you time and money
Cofrai helps you acquiring and renewing your ISO certifications and any other certification you need, saving you time and resources and making sure you are 100% compliant
Human Resources
Cofrai helps you hire, train, certify and retain technical, commercial and administrative employees, to make sure you have the right profiles and a motivated team
Marketing and digital presence
Cofrai will build, maintain and improve your website and digital presence and manage digital marketing campaigns for you, helping you acquire more customers and grow your business
Public Tenders
Cofrai will look for relevant public tenders for your business and will provide you information to get you in the best position to win them.
Generational Shift
Cofrai will find the most relevant subsidies and grants for your business and manage them for you, giving you unique opportunities to save money and invest on your growth
Cofrai can advise you financially and offer you solutions to finance your working capital and important investment projects
Cofrai will handle your equipment purchases, getting you better conditions and saving you time and money
Cofrai helps you acquiring and renewing your ISO certifications and any other certification you need, saving you time and resources and making sure you are 100% compliant
Human Resources
Cofrai helps you hire, train, certify and retain technical, commercial and administrative employees, to make sure you have the right profiles and a motivated team
Marketing and digital presence
Cofrai will build, maintain and improve your website and digital presence and manage digital marketing campaigns for you, helping you acquire more customers and grow your business
Public Tenders
Cofrai will look for relevant public tenders for your business and will provide you information to get you in the best position to win them.